360 Approach

Our unique approach allows us to process your waste into nutrient-rich compost, which is then used to fertilize fields and create a sustainable natural ecosystem.

It All Begins And Ends With You Recycling Your Organic Waste

Your re-usable organic by-product is the crucial ingredient in our fully integrated 360 composting approach. It begins with you partnering and allowing us to guide you to your goals.

Composting On The Caldwell’s Farm

The composting process starts as soon as we haul your organic waste away from your facility. We combine your by-product with corn stalks and livestock manure to create a nitrogen-rich compost.

Fertilizing And Growing Crops

The compost is then used to spread on our fields, fertilizing the soil and creating a healthy environment for the crops to grow.

You Feed The Livestock

With your organic integration, we can bring it straight to our farms to feed the livestock.

Using The By-product From Livestock And Harvesting

The leftover corn stalks from the harvest are bailed in the field and the manure produced by the livestock is collected. The process starts all over again with the next truckload of recycled organics from your facility.

The Cycle Continues

Caldwell’s partners with you to fulfill your company’s recycling goals. From hauling to advancing green life cycle, Caldwell’s will create a unique solution that solves your specific needs.

Partner with Caldwell’s

Eco-Friendly Solutions To
Minimize Waste